Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Sketchbook Assignment #4 - Investigating Space

Decide on a possible space for the installation of your artwork.

Spend about 15 minutes in your space.

Make a list of everything you notice, for example, how many people walk by the space, where are they going, what are the sounds/smells of the space, what color is the walls

Draw the space. Include as much detail as possible. Consider making note of the materials of the floor, walls, ceiling. Are there any interesting uses of line, space, color, or texture that you could play off of.

Why/How does the space fulfill your needs for the concept of your space?

How will your piece be placed, do you need pedestals, wire, anything to prop it up?

How does light hit the space, do you need to bring light?

Does your piece integrate with the space in anyway, or is it meant to contrast?

How will the viewer see the piece?

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Silicone Molding Instructions

Info on Silicone Mold Making

file is a pdf file, to be opened with Acrobat reader

Monday, September 19, 2011

Sketchbook assignment 3

Write a short paragraph about the object you have choosen for your plaster sculpture assignment. In the paragraph, address the following concerns.

What object did you select and what does it mean to you?
What does this object mean to culture as a whole?
Do your ideas relate with the mass ideas or do they not?
What will it mean to see multiples of this image?
If this sculpture could be installed anywhere where would it be? (name something outside of the box, like don't just say, a toothbrush belongs in the bathroom, a horseshoe belongs on a horse)

Art and designer Kate Cox presentation (extra credit)

Tomorrow during my art-381 digital media class we will have a guest speaker, Kate Cox, who is an artist/designer out of Perrin, TX. She is currently working as a graphic designer by the Mineral Wells Index. She also runs her own photography business, which is linked below. She received her Bachelor of Fine Arts from Tarleton State University in 2o09, and enjoys painting and drawing as well as digital media. She will be giving a short presentation discussing her work, and will be talking about life after graduation and her experience in professional fields.

This is not required for your class, but is highly recommended. Anyone who comes to the presentation and write about it on your sketchbook will get extra credit on the next assignment.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Sketchbook Assignment #2

What are things you do countless times a day you don't think of? In what ways do you collect waste or expend energy based off these tasks? If you were to confront the visual evidence of a habit you do everyday, what would it look like? Make a "divergent thinking" list of answers to these questions.

Think about the Chris Jordan video we saw in class. You don't have to focus on trash per se, just things we do repeatedly out of habit that we don't think of. It doesn't have to be something that has direct emotional value either, it could be something as common as opening doors or breathing.

Bring in your sketchbook and at least 2 objects to class that you have written about to class on Wednesday the 14th

Buy this kind of Silicone Gel

DAP Silicone 100% Silicone Sealant, Clear - 10.1 fl. oz.

You must buy 100% Silicone, and it would be preferable if it is labeled "clear" so you can see what you are doing. I have only had success with the DAP brand, if you buy any other kind it may not work as well and you will fall behind. This goes especially for the brands they sell at Wal-Mart. Those never work.

Chris Jordan "Running the Numbers"

Take a look here for more images of Chris Jordan's work.

Project 2 Student Work

Project 2 Confrontable Multiples

Description: Using plaster, you will carve a small sculpture which reflects a minor object or issue that you deal with on a daily basis. This can be something tangible or intangible. You will then create several “copies” of your original object, and install them into a public space in the fine arts building.

Due Date

Molds must be finished and installations installed on the afternoon of October 17, 1:30 pm sharp the critique will begin.

Things to think about: This project is meant to get you thinking about the minor details of your daily life, and your ability to make a large confrontational piece out of small components. What types of things do you engage in every day? Think about your habits. Think about all of the small things that you do each and every day (many of these things may be done unconsciously due to routine habit). Examples: brushing teeth, taking medication, tying shoes, sitting in chairs, blinking, breathing, eating, walking, etc. Think about the ways that you are using positive and negative space, unity and variety, grouping, containment, proximity, continuity, repetition, closure, balance, scale, proportion, emphasis, and rhythm. Are you using dominant and subordinate forms? How can you use color as an element? Do you want to use color, or leave the objects white?

Note: you may want to practice a bit with carving plaster before you carve the object that you will use for your multiples. Simple shapes will be easier to work with, and your objects will have a flat area (there are a few ways to work around this that I can show you).

Materials: (* notes materials provided by the Fine Art Department)
Some Plaster Tools*
Plastic Gloves
Paint brush
DAP 100 percent Silicone (clear) - look for at ACE, true value, NOT SOLD AT WALMART - DO NOT BUY ANY OTHER KIND OR RISK YOUR MOLDS BREAKING
X-Acto Knife (for removing clay mold from plaster object).
Plastic trash bag
Carving materials, use something cheap, like screwdriver, spoon, potato peeler, knife

Minimum Requirements:
Must carve an original object out of plaster using subtractive methods.
Must have at least 8 “copies” of your object. If you feel that you need to make more, then do so.
Must Install your multiples into a public space in the fine arts building.
Must use sketchbook and or maquettes to sketch/plan out ideas.
Must write a brief 1 paragraph Artist Statement

Theo Jansen

Theo Jansen is the Dutch creator of what he calls "Kinetic Sculptures," where nature and technology meet. Essentially these sculptures are robots powered by the wind only.

click here for his website

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Sketchbook assignment #1 (due next monday)

#1 (9/7 - 9/12) On a minimum of two sketchbook pages, collect images and information about an artist, architect, or designer that has work that is appropriately "robotic". Feel free to be creative about your interpretation of what robotic is. It can be mechanical, kinetic, or just something that seems to have a life of it's own.

Sketchbook Project

Throughout the semester, you will be assigned sketchbook assignments that will supplement the current assignment you are working on in class. The assignments will, in most cases, be assigned early on Monday, and will be due the following Monday, when another assignment is announced.

Your sketchbook will always be turned in with your projects, and will count towards your grade on the specific project. Sketchbooks that have content that suggests an active thinker and a dedicated student will receive full credit. Sketchbooks should always include sketches and writing that shows the process of your work.

List of Assignments

#1 (9/7 - 9/12) On a minimum of two sketchbook pages, collect images and information about an artist, architect, or designer that has work that is appropriately "robotic". Feel free to be creative about your interpretation of what robotic is. It can be mechanical, kinetic, or just something that seems to have a life of it's own.