Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Project 1 Robots

Description: To start out the semester, we will do an activity to get your creative juices flowing, and to give you an opportunity to play around with some materials. In this open-ended mixed media assemblage project, your assignment is to create a robot. Your robot will have 6 components that you will select at random that will help shape his/her personality and vitality. Should you select a “wild card” you have the ability to choose any item within the bounds of the category. Example: if you select the “profession” wild card, you can opt to make your robot a janitor. How you resolve and address each component is completely up to you, but all 7 must be present in the final project. We will be working on our robots all day in class Thursday, and the a portion of the class on Tuesday (you are welcome and encouraged to spend extra time outside of class) so work hard, because what you don’t finish in class is homework, and we will be sharing them with the class on Monday the 12th at the end of class!

FINAL project due: Monday the 12 at the end of class.

Helpful hints: Think about the size and shapes you are using, try use a variety of them. Try using a combination of straight and curvy surfaces or materials. Think about the colors you use in relation to the criteria you have selected, for example if you have flamingo, maybe you want your robot to be pink and red. Also try to incorporate texture, either invented (drawn or fabricated) or physical (existing). Think about the spaces you are leaving empty around and between elements of your robot (aka negative spaces), and the areas that you are building on (aka positive spaces). Try to think outside of the box when creating your non-traditional robot!

You will select (at random) one component from the following categories:

1. Profession: cowboy, businessman, college drop-out, ninja, astronaut, wild card!
2. Article of clothing: cape, cumberbund, bow tie, kilt, helmet, wild card!
3. Number of appendages: (includes but is not limited to; legs, arms, tails, wings, etc) 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, wild card!
4. Hair: mohawk, mullet, braids, afro, facial hair, wild card!
5. Accessorize! lasso, go-go boots, sword, baton, feather boa, wild card!
6. Finally, NAME YOUR ROBOT!